60 THINGS NOT TO DO WITH WOMEN: A guide to identify your beta tells
✅ You had a woman (wife/girlfriend) but she left you for another man.
✅ You were humiliated by a woman who cheated on you.
✅ You struggle to attract women. You’ve tried countless techniques, but nothing works.
✅ When you're in a relationship, your woman starts behaving differently over time:
- She becomes difficult to deal with, even though you’re doing everything "right."
- She keeps adding rules & hoops for you to jump through, making you question the relationship.
- She reduces her sexual desire for you over time.
- She gives back far less than you give her.
✅ Most women ignore, disrespect, or treat you like you’re invisible—even though you’re a good man.
If ANY of this sounds familiar, then this 2-minute read could change your life forever.
A Completely New & Unique Approach to Building and Maintaining Attraction—Without Gimmicks, Tricks, or Needing to Be Jacked/Rich
If someone told you that simply STOPPING a few small behaviors could make you instantly more attractive to women, would you believe it?
Maybe not.
You’d probably highly doubt it.
Because how would that even work?
Let Me Explain
Imagine walking into a car dealership, ready to buy a car. The salesman offers you a 90% discount before you even negotiate.
Do you feel happy? No.
You feel suspicious.
You feel something is wrong.
You feel repelled.
The same principle applies to attraction.
Many men who are good, kind, loving, and even rich & jacked struggle because they unknowingly signal weakness in ways they don’t even realize.
These tiny behaviors—which most men overlook—are like a big, flashing warning sign in a woman’s mind that says:
❌ "This man is not attractive."
❌ "This man is weak."
❌ "Maybe I can do better."
And here’s the kicker: She doesn’t even consciously choose to feel this way.
Her reptilian brain makes the decision for her. It tells her:
-> "Run."
-> "Lose interest."
-> "Look for someone better."
That’s why some men lose women they’ve invested years into, while other men—who may not even be better looking or richer—command women’s devotion effortlessly.
The Brutal Reality: You Dont Just Lose Her
If you think you’re only losing attraction with one woman, think again.
Women observe everything—the way you carry yourself, how you text, how you react to challenges—and they gossip.
The moment one woman perceives you as weak or unattractive, she tells her friends.
Her friends tell their friends.
Suddenly, you’re not just losing one woman—you’re losing an entire social circle.
✅ Your chances with her? GONE.
✅ Your chances with any woman who knows her? Also GONE.
And here’s the worst part:
Most men think they know what the problem is—but they don’t.
They assume:
❌ "I just need to stop buying her gifts."
❌ "I need to be less available."
❌ "I should play hard to get."
While those things might help, they are just scratching the surface.
Because there are dozens of other behaviors that men exhibit daily that silently repel women—without them even realizing it.
And the most shocking part?
⚔️ Some of these "Beta Behaviors" are things you actually THINK are attractive.
Yes, things you were taught your whole life would make women love you are actually pushing them away.
Imagine spending years of your life doing something that you thought would attract women, only to realize it’s the very thing repelling them.
It’s not your fault.
Society has conditioned men to be feminine, needy, and oblivious to how attraction actually works.
Every Man I Consulted (250+ Private Calls) Had At Least 10 of These Beta Behaviors—Some Had 60+
Here’s the good news:
📈 The more of these behaviors you have, the BIGGER the improvement you will see once you remove them.
Think about it:
Going from a Level 7 to a Level 8 in attractiveness is nice…
But going from a Level 2 to a Level 8?
It’s the difference between being invisible and having women compete for your attention.
In This Book, You Will Learn:
✔️ 70+ Subconscious Beta Behaviors That Kill Attraction
✔️ How to Identify & Instantly Eliminate Them
✔️ Why Some "Beta Behaviors" Are Actually Necessary—And When to Use Them
✔️ How to Rewire Your Mind to Stop Making These Mistakes Automatically
✔️ The Exact Process My Clients Have Used to Fix Their Relationships—Some in Just DAYS
Men who have applied these changes have reported:
✅ Their women testing them less
✅ More loyalty & devotion from their partners
✅ Better sex, increased attraction, and a more fulfilling relationship
✅ Women ditching their exes & focusing fully on them
✅ Women treating them as the prize, instead of the other way around
One client told me his wife actually thanked God for finding him—after making just a few small tweaks.
If you like reading reviews, you can read more on the side (desktop)or at the end(mobile).
This book will open your eyes to truths about attraction that you can never unsee
The moment you finish this book,
✅ You will see all the mistakes you’ve been making.
✅ You will see these behaviors in your friends, social circles, and even in movies.
✅ You will never look at attraction the same way again.
This book is something I wish I had when I was 16, 18, hell, even 24.
If I had it back then, I would have saved years of frustration, heartbreak, and wasted time.
But you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.
A Simple "Magic" Framework
👉1) Go through the book and
👉2) Identify the beta behaviours you are showing from the list of 60+ in the book.
👉3) Pick 2-3 of those which you show the most
👉4) Remove them for a week
and Repeat
Watch the magic happen.